Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Throughout our time in this course we have learned how to effectively construct a rhetorical analysis essay and we were put to the test with David Papineau’s “Yes, the Players in the World Cup Do Keep Falling Over for No Reason”. In this essay I will answer the different questions of rhetorical analysis like the tone, stance and purpose of the article. Below is an excerpt my essay, along with the link to full version.

David Papineau is the author of “Yes, the Players in the World Cup Do Keep Falling Over for No Reason”. Papineau is a British academic philosopher located at the King’s College in London as a professor. I believe he is a credible person due to his written books he has published two of which are the most recent: “The metaphysics of sensory experience” and “Knowing the score”. This shows not only an aspect of his writing career, but his knowledge in the field.

Link to the full version of the essay is here.