Researched Critical Analysis

Following the central idea that fairy tales misrepresents gender roles, for my RCA I chose to search how gender norms are presented across other fairy tales. Including Hans Christian Andersen‘s The Little Mermaid, the other fairy tales that I talk about are Giambattista Basile‘s Sun, Moon, and Talia, Brother Grimm’s Briar Rose and Cinderella. Below I provided a small excerpt with the link that will direct you to the full essay if you wish to read it.

Frasil states, “During Walt Disney’s era, Disney princesses (Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora) adhered to a gender norm limited by thoroughly patriarchal idea of femininity. They were passive, their storylines revolved around their ‘waiting’ for ‘true love’s first kiss’; they were domestic, silent and subservient.” (Frasl 5). Some may say that not many people, much less children, know about Basile’s version of sleeping beauty. So how would it impact the children? Even though the story and certain events change throughout different versions, one message is still consistent. Sleeping beauty got her happily ever after because she was sweet and docile. Not only is femininity and female norms is being misrepresented within this story, but it adds to the stereotype of how women should be and act. It implements a false sense of gender norms that negatively affects whoever reads this story.  

Link to full version of the essay!